Category: Uncategorized

  • Barbara Boxer: Withdraw Your Biased Bill

    Senator Barbara Boxer needs to take aseat—just not the one she’s currently abusing on Capitol Hill. The senator from California completely lost the plot when she introduced a new bill, Senate Bill 462, the U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2013, which would codify Israel’s ability to discriminate against Palestinian Americans and those who love them.…

  • How The Media Chose Its Boston ‘Suspects’

    On tax day, Monday April 15, I was enjoying my daily ritual of watching General Hospital when my soaps were interrupted by the shocking breaking news that there had been a bombing at the Boston Marathon. As the chaos and carnage unfolded live on television, the media immediately began to guess out loud, the race…

  • Why Palestinians Welcomed Fayyad’s Resignation

    Salam Fayyad has achieved what the world thought was impossible. He finally got Fatah and Hamas to agree on something: the two bitterly divided factions both happily accepted his resignation. During the 2006 legislative elections, the American-educated Dr. Fayyad ran alongside Hanan Ashrawi as part of the Third Way party. Both won their seats. Fayyad…

  • Don’t Tread On My Hair, Hamas

    Don’t Tread On My Hair, Hamas

    Article originally written for The Daily Beast, published on April 4th, 2013. In the interest of full disclosure, let me state that I hate Hamas. They embody everything that I, as a human being, am fighting against: oppression, religious rule, and patriarchy. They empower Israel while dividing the Palestinians. When Hamas won the parliamentary elections…

  • Welcome To Palestine: What’s Your Faith?

    Welcome To Palestine: What’s Your Faith?

    Article originally written for The Daily Beast, published on March 20th, 2013. President Barack Obama is going to Bethlehem for Easter. When I heard this my first instinct was to book a flight from Newark to Tel Aviv to join him. My apartment in Bethlehem (Palestine, not Pennsylvania) is a stone’s throw away from where…