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Author: Team Palsy
I’m Waiting for the Disabled Bachelor
Disability is not new to reality television. Dancing with the Stars has been incorporating visibly disabled and Deaf dancers for most of their history. Not only do they compete—they win.
Maysoon Zayid Is the Most Fearless Comic Alive
Backstage at the Tory Burch “Embrace Ambition” Summit, I am talking to Maysoon Zayid about death threats. And no, she isn’t a politician or an activist—she’s a comedian.
5 Great Life Rules (BS free)
Comedian Maysoon Zayid was born with cerebral palsy, and she’s learned how to face obstacles head-on. Here’s the advice she wants you to know
My Columns for The Daily Beast
Check out the collection of columns I wrote for The Daily Beast over the course of a year.
I got 99 problems… palsy is just one
“I have cerebral palsy. I shake all the time,” Maysoon Zayid announces at the beginning of this exhilarating, hilarious talk.
Heard the One About the Disabled Muslim Comic From Jersey?
The stand-up comedian Maysoon Zayid likes to joke that if there were a competition called the Oppression Olympics, she would win gold.
Wheelchairs Can’t Sit with Us
I am an entertainer and I was born that way. On my birth day, the doctor who delivered me botched the job and gifted me with cerebral palsy (CP). I made my Oscar-worthy debut in Englewood, NJ, many moons before the Americans with Disabilities Act was even a glimmer in its signer’s eyes. I grew…
Ms. Zayid Goes To Washington
On Friday June 4, 2021 I attended a meeting with Secretary of State Blinken. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss all things Palestine. I attended as an individual. I am not affiliated with any PAC or organization. I obviously do not speak for or represent the Palestinian people. There are 13 million Palestinians…
To C or Not to C
This past week, fans of Roseanne nationwide reached for their smelling salts because Samantha Bee called complicit Barbie the c-word. They immediately grabbed their tiki torches and insisted that like racist Roseanne, Sam Bee be fired. I performed at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in 2016 and I remember these same people stirring around,…
Ramadan in the Deep South
In 2011, Dean Obeidallah my trustworthy co-producer at the New York Arab American Comedy Festival approached me with what seemed like a brilliant idea. He had partnered with an Iranian-American filmmaker and wanted to take a band of Muslim comics to the Deep South in August during Ramadan to perform in cities that had banned…